Sunday, October 30, 2011

To Organics and Beyond!

1 Corinthians 10:31 - the Bible...go, look it up! ...okay, so I'll give it to you.

"So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God."

Okay, sure...there's context here that is missing for sure! But, I just want to think for a minute about this statement! This admonition! Do it ALL to the glory of God!  

I really wanted to start this blog with a first post that gave a bit of a history that brought me to this blog, I'm not really the blogger fact I have a hard time keeping up with letters and email. But, It seems that I need a venue  to explain what I'm up to in this thing called life. Not because it is all that interesting or glamorous, in fact it is very NOT glamorous. But just because people seem to want to know where I am since my recent struggle with Crohn's began.

Maybe I should continue with that previous paragraph...but I'm not going to for now. I feel that time is of the essence for this message as I have recently begun a partnership with an organization that I hope with change my life in the very near future and could possibly change yours as well! 

Recently, I've been reading a couple books quite a bit. Patient Heal Thyself, and The Makers Diet. These books have been invaluable in my journey toward recovery. They have shown, that through rigorous nutritional choices, and a regimen of supplements, I can control the inflammation caused by Crohn's VERY effectively! This diet includes great quantities of organic vegetables & fruits, meats from animals that have lived healthy lives-void of hormones or antibiotics, and cultured dairy (raw if possible), and once again, from HEALTHY cows and goats. I'm also on a myriad of nutrition supplement and enzymes that help phenomenally as well...But, I'll leave those for another post. What I have discovered through my search for everything good and pure and true in this crazy world of food, is that it is VERY hard to find! The truth of the matter is that the standards set for Organics and "Grassfed" meat is really very low! These foods that can be purchase at the local Whole Foods store is great! and it works really well...But I am interested in expanding my horizons! Enter BEYOND ORGANIC! The previously mentioned books were written by fellow Crohn's victor, Jordan Rubin, who went on to start a nutritional supplement company called Garden of Life. He later sold Garden to life to begin a new adventure! Whole, pure foods! Jordan is now building a company called Beyond Organic. This company is devoted to bringing the best meat & dairy products directly to the customer! I have recently joined Jordan and Beyond Organic to spread the word that better food will soon be available! 

one reason I felt a sense of urgency in writing this post is because this company is still (for the next 2 days) in pre-launch phase, meaning you can join the company as not only a great source for food, but also as a business opportunity! And that opportunity decreased in value on Nov. 1 at, If you want to take advantage of this, check out the web site and just watch the short video!

More Later! And won't all be about Beyond Organic... Just wanted to let you know about it!

1 Cor 10:31
Psalm 146
Thomas W